Search Results for: same-sex adoption

Despite being voted down in the Senate , the Spanish parliament on Thursday passed a law legalizing same-sex marriage and allowing same-sex couples to adopt and inherit each other's property. Read the text of the...


Voters in Switzerland will decide in a referendum set for Sunday June 5 whether gay couples should have the right to register as partners and have legal rights similar to as married couples. A recent poll says 67 percent...


Jack Balkin, Yale Law School:"In Hernandez v. Robles a New York State trial court judge held that the New York State constitution prohibited restricting marriage to opposite sex couples.The court held that prohibition on same sex couples violated the Due...


Lawsuits brought by three same-sex couples married in Massachusetts and Canada seeking to have their marriages recognized in Florida have been dropped because the plaintiffs do not want to risk having the US Supreme Court set precedent by rejecting...